Monday, September 15, 2008

Timing is Everything

As I read my email this morning, I came across this quotation:

A child once asked God, "God what's a million dollars like to you?"God said, "Son to me a million dollars is like a single penny."The child said, "God what's a million years like to you?"God said, "Son to me a million years is like a single second."The child thought for a minute and said, "God can I have a million dollars?"And God said, "Sure you can son, wait just a second."

I don't know who originally wrote this, but I got it from Chance Cole of in case you would like to check it out. This gave me a new concept of time and I thought you would enjoy it. This is quite a quantum leap from what I was thinking about time and money.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well it has been a while since I have written on this blog, but today I read my morning's email and what to share with you the following:

"Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts."
- Charles Dickens

Every day I get an inspirational message from Inspire Your Day and for some reason this just resonated with me today. If this is something you would be interested in, you can see them at

Hope you enjoy this - I did.
Have a Wonderful Day.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Down in the Dumps

I have been down in the dumps lately. I have several things going on in my life that is not in the UP realm of life. Then today, I received t he following message -
On this day of your life, Carole, I believe God wants you to know......that you can only succeed, you cannot fail. Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,and hence the process of evolution, forward. Everything advances you on your journey.

Made me stop and think - life isn't so bad, it is only an illusion and I thought to myself "what lesson am I suppose to learn from these downers? What journey am I suppose to be on at this time?"

Did you ever stop to think about these things in this manner - well it helps you outlook to be more optimistic.

If you are interesting in getting this type of message on a daily basis, just vist Neale Donald Walsch- Daily Inspirational. I find them calming. Hope you do too.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quantum Leap

I listened to The 5 Pillars of Wealth seminar this morning and want to pass this information on to you as I think you will find it very interesting. Especially if you are interested in intentions, law of attraction, helping other people, feeling fulfilled and finding your soul purpose.

I have been associated with this site for about a year. Every time I hear Steven D'Annunzio speak I go into another whelm of reality. He has a way to make you think of all the possibilities of the world - makes you feel like you can accomplish anything you put your intentions too. Also, gives you the urgency to help bring peace to this earth; makes you think of all the causes you can help with, such as the starving children all over the world. Their "mission" is to bring peace on earth, one person at a time.

If this is something you would be interested in, just go to Magnetic or you can click on the banner to the right and watch the video, The 5 Pillars of Wealth. If this resonates with you, Great. If not, that's OK too - just know that it is out there.

Today is the official launch of Soul Purpose Legacy.

I always come away from his lessons with a free feeling from a higher place. I thought this would be something positive I could pass on to the world with the pay it forward theory. I am pretty particular in the things I recommend, but this site is in the very top.

Enjoy and have a WONDERFUL Day!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quotes For The Day

"The question is not 'can you make a difference?' You already do make a difference. It's just a matter of what kind of difference you want to make, during your life on this planet." Julia Butterfly Hill

We may need to set back and think about this for a while. I didn't realize we had a choice, but we really do. So, what kind of difference do you want to make?

Another quote that made my day. If you like inspirational quotes, you can go to

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Remember The NOW

Today I got up sort of late, my computer has been giving me problems and I thought to myself "This is not going to be the perfect day". Then I got on my computer with a prayer it would last one more day and I got this message:

"Fill your heart with the creative power to accept the past, decorate the present and transform the future." Osho".

If this is of interest to you, just go to

Sort of gives you a left, doesn't it?

I get daily messages from several different sites and some days, one or two will just hit the spot. Hope you enjoy this one.

Have a Wonderful Day

Google Me

Monday, July 21, 2008

Let Go and See What Happens

I have looked at my house thinking some day, this room or that room will be cleaned and tidy. Well guess what - it isn't and my guess is that it won't be for a while. When I read the following, there was hope. A different way of looking at it. Maybe there is hope - to eliminate things around the house that I have forgotten about and have no need for, there will be room to bring something in - something that may make my life more comfortable. Who knows, it might be my intention to eliminate my clutter & past feelings and be aliened with the modern day theory of intentions. Maybe this is something I can manifest.

Every day I get emails from different programs. Now and then one comes across with a vibration.

I got this email from The Intenders Bridge -The Bridge ~ Step 34 ~ The Fourth Intent ~ Simplify

"I let go so there is room for something better to come in.

I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good at all times. I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.

This little analogy works on many levels. It relates to cleaning our homes insofar as if we don't let go of some of the old stuff that's been lying around for years, we may never have room for any new stuff to come in. Likewise, it can also pertain to ideas we're carrying around with us. As we move closer to the cultural transition which looms on the horizon, we're beginning to discover that many of our beliefs and ideas aren't serving us anymore. They're outdated or barely working, and we really can't count on them like we used to. Most of the information we're fed by the media fits into this category. An example, although it may not always be stated outright, is that being at war will make things better. This archaic idea no longer works for us, and it really never did. All caring, thinking people know that we simply cannot achieve peace as long as we support war, and yet, war is still the cornerstone upon which the foundation of our entire civilization is built. If, however, we truly want peace - if we intend that we have true and lasting peace- we must let go of our tendency to make war and replace it with a more positive approach of resolving our differences. We must let it go so that something new and better can come in.

From The Code ~ Intentions in Action

My intention for today is:
I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good at all times."

I hope you enjoy this blog and it may bring some peace to your life. If you would like more information, just go to the above site. I get a message once a day from this site and look forward to it always.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Something To Look Forward Too

I have to tell you that since my last entry, I listened to something that just blew me away. It sort of goes along with Law of Attraction. I get daily encouragements from Richard Blackstone of I look forward to them every day, but this one day he forwarded the following:

"Wow! Do I have a treat for you. I just recently did a live interview with Tony Burroughs who is the founder of "The Intenders of the Highest Good." He created the "Intenders Circle" process to help manifest whatever you desire into your reality. This is a powerful and very effective process and one that you will want in your arsenal for creating the life of your dreams.

Please go to and click on the "Tele-Seminar Archives" tab at the top of the page. It will take you right to the interview. This interview is full of content that will enrich your life so please listen to it when you have about an hour to devote to it.

Once you have heard the interview you can visit Tony's website at"

It was free, so I did - I listened to this message and I got all excited. I even went so far as to look up to see if there was an Intender's Circle in my area. Unfortunately there isn't, but I know when I visit Colorado Springs, I will contact them.

I emailed Richard to see if it was OK to put this information in my Blog. I would like everyone to have the opportunity to listen to it. When he answered and said it was OK. Again he sent this to me - "Be the change you expect to see in the world" - Gandhi. Is this for the higher good of everyone? Sort of makes sense, doesn't it?

It may or may not be your thing, but I would like to give you the chance to know it is out there. It made my world a better and I hope it will make yours better too. Have a Wonderful Day.

Google Me Carole

Monday, June 30, 2008


As I study the Law of Attraction, Manifestations and our Intentions, I thought it would be a really good idea to list the sites and audios I listen too. This would be a rather good way of helping people find different areas to review without going all over the place. Lately, I have had several things manifest for me and feel really enlightened about these subjects and I feel the need to get this information out to the world. Hope you enjoy this site.

Google Me