Monday, July 21, 2008

Let Go and See What Happens

I have looked at my house thinking some day, this room or that room will be cleaned and tidy. Well guess what - it isn't and my guess is that it won't be for a while. When I read the following, there was hope. A different way of looking at it. Maybe there is hope - to eliminate things around the house that I have forgotten about and have no need for, there will be room to bring something in - something that may make my life more comfortable. Who knows, it might be my intention to eliminate my clutter & past feelings and be aliened with the modern day theory of intentions. Maybe this is something I can manifest.

Every day I get emails from different programs. Now and then one comes across with a vibration.

I got this email from The Intenders Bridge -The Bridge ~ Step 34 ~ The Fourth Intent ~ Simplify

"I let go so there is room for something better to come in.

I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good at all times. I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.

This little analogy works on many levels. It relates to cleaning our homes insofar as if we don't let go of some of the old stuff that's been lying around for years, we may never have room for any new stuff to come in. Likewise, it can also pertain to ideas we're carrying around with us. As we move closer to the cultural transition which looms on the horizon, we're beginning to discover that many of our beliefs and ideas aren't serving us anymore. They're outdated or barely working, and we really can't count on them like we used to. Most of the information we're fed by the media fits into this category. An example, although it may not always be stated outright, is that being at war will make things better. This archaic idea no longer works for us, and it really never did. All caring, thinking people know that we simply cannot achieve peace as long as we support war, and yet, war is still the cornerstone upon which the foundation of our entire civilization is built. If, however, we truly want peace - if we intend that we have true and lasting peace- we must let go of our tendency to make war and replace it with a more positive approach of resolving our differences. We must let it go so that something new and better can come in.

From The Code ~ Intentions in Action

My intention for today is:
I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good at all times."

I hope you enjoy this blog and it may bring some peace to your life. If you would like more information, just go to the above site. I get a message once a day from this site and look forward to it always.

Have a Wonderful Day!

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