Saturday, December 4, 2010

Something Exciting

If have been absent for quite some time now, but I just listened to something exciting this morning and wanted to pass the information. As you know I listened to a lot of self-help teleconferences and some of them are extraordinary. This is one of those.

I listened to a teleconferenced sponsored by Darius M. Barazandeh with Wendy Robbins. Wendy went from homeless to a Millionaire and now spreads her practice all over the world. She really hit the vibes on the head and how we are ENOUGH. So many of us feel we fall way short of what we really are. She has CDs out that you can listen too when you go to bed that will change your subconscious and beliefs and will make you a more I AM ENOUGH person. Also, she has a book out - Why Marry a Millionaire - Just Be One. If this is something that resonates with you, just go to --
